Undergraduate Chemistry : 2nd Year

Theoretical Methods for Chemists

Computational Laboratories

Master of Research in Nanomaterials (MRes) and UG Chemistry 4th Year

The Theory of Nanoscale Structures: Computer Simulations and Modelling

Slides from Lectures - Autumn Term

Further Reading

Perhaps the best way to learn about molecular dyanamics is to do some simple simulations. The background information and software provided as The Molecular Workbench are a good place to start.


This course assumes a basic familiarity with quantum mechanics as presented in a typical physics or chemistry undergraduate level. The following may be useful background reading.

Miscellaneous Course Notes

Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms

22nd Year Course

Theoretical Methods for Chemists

Lecture Notes:

Autumn Term: Linear Algebra, LCAO, Matrices and Symmetry

Spring Term: Sequences and series

Problem Sheets

Problem Classes